5 Questions and A Review of Épilogue

Disclaimer: I know and have worked with the writer of this comic in other projects. He is a good friend as well as a fellow wrestling fan. You’re waiting for the train at the busy subway platform where multiple trains run, a train arrives that isn’t yours and you move out of the way for all the people who are leaving the subway car, and there she or he is. That person you had an incredible relationship with many years back. Épilogue tells that moment between former lovers Natalie and Garan, that small capsule in time where they meet again, all their old feelings come rushing back and clash with the current events in their respective lives.

The story in Épilogue and takes place over two issues, just called Garan and Natalie, each one of them follows their perspective and inner thoughts throughout their encounter. As well as flashback to their relationship from their point of view, how they met, their cherished moments, and their fallout. Both issues are written by Mario Candelaria and the main story illustrated by David Ganjamie.

Épilogue 1The Garan flashbacks by Nathan Schreiber truly portray the feeling of young love. The young adults who aren’t sure what they want with their lives yet but they want to be with each other regardless. With young love comes the unfortunate lack of preparedness to deal with troubles in the relationship. Natalie’s flashbacks are done by cover artist Ashley St. Lawrence, and like the cover, it portrays a contrasting view of her recollection of their love. She remembers more details, the feeling the art carries is more mature and reflective rather than Garan’s reactionary flashbacks. Both of them putting together parts of a whole story that carries realism and the reflexion of our own past loves.

I’d like to have seen what a colorist could have done with a story like this to accentuate the tone, but the grey tones on it does not take away from the story at all, the flashbacks carry an aura to them and each artist was able to stamp their very own signature tone to the overall story while maintaining the characters well defined.

I was able to talk to Mario and ask him some questions about Épilogue below. If you’re in the New York City area, him along with artists Ashley St. Lawrence, Nathan Schreiber, David Ganjamie will be at Forbidden Planet NYC signing from 6 to 8pm and will also be bringing me snacks. Right? Right.

Pablo Arriaga: Épilogue seems like a fairly personal story. How did it come to be?

Mario Candelaria: As I’ve gotten older, I’ve started reflecting more and more on my past. All the moments, good or bad, are now just bricks that paved the way to where I am today. That is what ÉPILOGUE at its center. I wanted to capture that feeling when you see a familiar face that was once so important to you and all these emotions just erupt.

PA: How was it working with several artists in one single project?

Épilogue-2MC: It was awesome! I felt like Brian Bendis! But seriously, I designed it this way so we can give the present tense scene a different look from the past, but also make it so Natalie’s recollections looked completely different  than Garan’s as a subtle nod to how my memories might be different from yours.

PA: What would be the main draw to Epilogue for people?

MC: I will be honest and say that ÉPILOGUE is a very mature story that features a very experimental storytelling method. I’d say that if you’re into dramatic human pieces or if you like to support different types of comics, especially independent ones, then you might be satisfied with this story. But be warned! If you’ve ever gone through some type of heartbreak then this story will bring those emotions forward. I’m like some sort of comic book Adele.

PA: You were able to recruit Heather Antos, who’s a great Marvel editor.

MC: Heather is great! She took the rough piece of clay that was my script and helped guide me to sculpting what we see today. I actually had her on this long before she started at Marvel (some may or may not go as far as to say *I* helped get her the job), but with how self financed indie comics works we are just now seeing ÉPILOGUE get out there into the world long after she’d established herself in the House of M̶o̶u̶s̶e̶ Ideas.

PA: Team Iron Man or Team Cap?

MC: Team Iron Man for sure! I might look like a rebel, but I’m all about having accountability. Besides, Cap is a hundred year old dude who does steroids. He’s a walking, talking version of a certain pop-up ad I see on “mature” websites telling me I can get ripped.

[su_box title="Score: 4/5" style="glass" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]

Épilogue Writer: Mario Candelaria Artists: David Ganjamie, Ashley St. Lawrence, and Nathan Schreiber Letterer: Zakk Saam Editor: Heather Antos Publisher: Dude, What? Comics Price: $0.99 Each Release Date: 4/27/16 Format: Mini-Series; Digital


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