Comic Bastards

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Best of 2016: Demon

By Dustin Cabeal

If you listened to the CBMFP this year you might have heard me talk about Demon from Jason Shiga. Correction, you might have heard me rave like a madman about it. The best way I can describe Shiga’s writing is that he’s logical and extremely brilliant at math. Put that together and he crafts a brilliant story about a man that can possess other people’s bodies upon his death and how everything he does from there is mathematically sound. I am not joking. That’s just one part of what makes this story good though.

Shiga is also funny as fuck. Mathematically sound includes a knife made out of a very specific amount of toilet paper, held together and hardened by cum. You read that correctly. Demon is one of the funniest and yet intelligent books I’ve ever read. Having already read the second volume, I can tell you that it gets better and will likely make my list next year as well. Pick it up, weep with joy, humor, and math.