Black of Heart on Kickstarter -- The Last Kickstarter
First we have some business to attend to. I've been burnt out on posting kickstarters because we've gotten so many in the past that it's hard to say what's good and what's bad and all that jazz. That and at one point we were getting more kickstarters than review submissions which was mind blowing. Lately, to help friends and creators that have been great to the site I've broke my rule and hey... maybe in the future I will again. It's not that I don't want to help, its that I simply can't. We weren't moving the needle on anyone's projects and that was a real bummer. When we're not actually helping then what's the point of spending the time writing something for it to be completely ignored by our audience? Basically, the audience spoke and I listened. [su_button url="" target="blank" style="3d" background="#50f84c" color="#111010" size="10" center="yes" icon="icon: chain" icon_color="#111010" rel="nofollow"]Kickstarter Link[/su_button]
But I like Black of Heart. I read the first three issues and really enjoyed it. You can read my reviews if you'd like: Issue #1, Issue #2 and Issue #3. I also like the creators. They're super supportive of Comic Bastards and so I want to help them with their final four days of their kickstarter. They're so close that they can taste it so give them a push. I'm taking the time to tell you because I want to help this kickstarter, just like the last few I've put on the site. I'm breaking my rule because I feel they're worth promoting so take a look and if you're not interested then at least tweet it and give someone else a shot. I'm sure the current supporters are really excited about it making it's goal so every little bit helps.
[su_quote url=""]1949 New York City, Detective Drake Harper hunts the serial killer known as “The Vulture” while battling his own personal demons.[/su_quote]