Comic Bastards

View Original's DC and Marvel Coats Are On Sale

By Dustin Cabeal

It's rare that I write about anything nerdom related that isn't a review. My time as it is just doesn't allow for the same dedication. I'd previously written about these jackets and suits and discussed them on a former iteration of the Comic Bastards Podcast. Needless to say before even thinking about writing this post, I fucking bought some coats. I don't even need fucking coats but I bought coats!! I'm dead serious, I saw the prices and was like, "Fuck yeah." The whole dang family is getting coats! Check it out, if you don't, more coats for me. Suits too, but I'm not skinny enough to wear any of their suits so I'm just a fat guy looking into the window that is the internet...

Coats and winter wear link

Suits link

Again, none of this is sponsored, just some cool comic shit I'm excited about... for once!