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Margo Intergalactic Trash Collector "Uprising" -- Launches On Kickstarter

If you haven't already then be sure to check out our review for the first issue of Margo Intergalactic Trash Collector then you can click that link that you've already read past. Otherwise you might of noticed we don't cover too many kickstarters on the site anymore, but I liked Margo enough to help out the project which is already almost funded. Help it get there and yourself an indie comic. From Whiting Studios:

"After the success of the First Margo book, I set about the task of not only continuing Margo's adventures but to make Uprising bigger, bolder and better. And so Margo; Uprising came about. Uprising introduces a slew of new characters into the Margo universe, raises the stakes and danger that Margo finds herself confronting, and asks the question "How far would you go to keep this job?"

Upcoming and legendary artists have contributed to the Margo Uprising Kickstarter campaign. Artist Marcelo Trom (Zombie Tramp, Vamp Blade) is featured on the alternative cover and comic book legend Joe Staton (E- man, Green Lantern, Dick Tracy) contributed art.

"My Dad, Uncles, and Grandfather were all rubbish men, and as a kid, I would often work on the truck with them to earn money to buy comics. I grew up wanting to draw comics and started as soon as I could work a pencil. In pursuit of my dream, I moved to NYC to attended the School of Visual Arts. There I found others like myself, and together, we clawed our way into print. Over the years, I often imagined a female protagonist who picks up trash (sound familiar?) in space. She would face danger and fight hostile aliens, all the while working for a corrupt company. And so, Margo Intergalactic Trash collector was born. Her story has grown and expanded in ways I could never have foreseen. I was born in the silver age of comics, but am creating in the digital age of comics, and loving every minute of it!"

Jim Whiting's published work includes; numerous collaborations with writer Steve Niles. Night of the Living Dead, and Zombie War with Kevin Eastman.

[su_button url="" target="blank" style="soft" background="#4efe27" color="#000000" size="7" center="yes" icon="icon: external-link" icon_color="#000000" rel="nofollow"]KICKSTARTER LINK[/su_button]

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