Comic Bastards

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Mini-Reviews: Week of 11/16/16

By Dustin Cabeal

Hey, I managed to do this two weeks in a row. Maybe it will be a thing. Again, these mini-reviews are for titles that I didn’t have enough to write a full review about. I’m still going to score them and whatnot, but I just couldn’t write a full review either trashing or saying the same thing over and over again. Enjoy!

DEATH FORCE #6 – Score: 2/5

I wish this ending were better, but all of it is just typical and convenient. This was a decent idea, but then to shackle the dude with a deal with the Devil and then also tie him to a new female protagonist is just lame. The dude accepted the deal because of his dead girlfriend, and you’re going to give him a new love interest in the same volume? Again, the ending was way too convenient. The dragon dude ran around naked which was funny, but at this point Zenescope, pull the trigger and just show some dong. Do you know how much cooler and funnier that would have made this series? It was close to getting a three, but the ending was so weak that I couldn’t bump it.

KISS #2 – Score: 1/5

What the fuck is this book about? We’re two issues in and KISS hasn’t technically shown up. Also, they’re AI or some shit… what? The issue doesn’t even pick up where it left off. Instead, it opts to show us KISS robots and a backstory of the guy that saved society. In case you forgot, everyone lives underground. I gave up on this book halfway through and just looked at the pictures. It wasn’t hard to figure out what was happening which is a credit to the art and says everything about the writing. I will not be back for more of this book, and at this point, I don’t even know what they’re trying to do with the story. Worst yet, I don’t care.

PETER PANZERFAUST #24 – Score: 3/5

The problem with any series that goes on along as hiatus is that when it comes back, it’s hard to remember where it left off. This issue is good, but because I don’t recall the exact spot it left off at, it’s hard to say it’s great. There’s only one issue left after this and I doubt it can close out the series properly. All the other arcs were four issues long, and it set a specific tone for the story which is completely missing here. It’s like, just kill Peter already woulda ya. The story is competent; the art is great, and some of Tyler Jenkins best on the series. Wish I cared more at this point, but I don’t even remember how long it’s been gone for. Oh, well.


This story seems familiar to me, but I can’t quite remember the first volume. I enjoyed the issue, but I was lost in the story some. There is a recap, but it did more to spark my memory than to fill the gaps. The story is okay, there’s some annoying conveniences that it takes, but I’m down with reading more for sure. The art was good, but rough around the edges. Aspects of it were strong, while others are weak. Overall, it was an entertaining comic, but you need to have read the first volume for sure.

Well, there you have it. Some mini-reviews. If you have thoughts of your own, leave them in the comments section or keep them to yourself. Who the fuck knows what you do with them.