Comic Bastards

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My Pull List For 2/12/14 - Neil Rodriguez

Another week of comic books is coming around, this is rather a slow week in comics, but even in a slow weeks there are some interesting gems to consider. This week I found four books you guys should give a try.

Bunker #1

The Bunker #1

This is looks like a cool comic. It’s a story about five friends who go to bury a time capsule before they all leave to start their adult lives after college only to find a mysterious bunker stamped with their names and containing notes from themselves in the future. They also find out that the future of earth is in their hands. It’s a time travel book, and I always give these types of stories a chance.

Justice League 3000 # 3


Keith Giffen has grown on me lately, his Larfleeze is fun, and Justice League 3000 has been fun to read as well. And after the events of issue two, I am looking forward to how the remaining heroes will be able to defeat this Locus.

She Hulk #1

She-Hulk #1 Stegman Variant

Charles Soule has really been on a roll. His Swamp Thing series is one of my favorites. Now Marvel has given him the reigns to She-Hulk who sometimes can be a bit boring, maybe Soule can turn me around on the Emerald Beauty.

The Fuse #1


I am not usually a crime story fan, but this book has got some interested just because of the premise. It’s a crime story but in space. I liked how it was sold in the synopsis it’s a crime series with attitude! -- Well there you have it, these are some of the books I am picking up this week without any hesitation. Happy reading!