Comic Bastards

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My Top Reveals from SDCC: Samantha Roehrig

It was a big year for San Diego Comic-Con, so let's see what grabbed Samantha's eye!

5. Legendary Pictures Announces King Kong

King Kong

I may be the only person who was completely bored out of my mind during Peter Jackson’s King Kong. I still don’t think I have finished it completely. It would be nice to see a new Kong and let’s be real, we all just want to see this movie so we can have Godzilla vs. King Kong come out.

4. Guardians of the Galaxy 2

Guardians of the Galaxy 2

This really is no surprise at all. And also very cocky of Marvel to announce a 2nd without even a first yet, but come on dude this movie is going to be epic! Marvel has a golden movie, and I think most people can agree that GOTG will be that next big trilogy.

3. Hello Wonder Woman

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman

As pissed as I am, along with every other woman out there, that no one has made a female superhero movie yet, I was super stoked for the reveal of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. This completely overshadowed Ben Affleck’s pic from the Con. There are still so many things to get right with her, but this is a good start. She looks badass and even though Wonder Woman had to star with the men first, I hope she can make her own movie afterwards.

2. Titan Comics, thank you!

Titan Comics

I am so excited that Titan is announcing some new stories. I love picking up their comics because I know I am in for a good story. From A1 to Numbercruncher to It Came, every comic has got that awesome “thing” readers love. With six new titles coming, there will be tons to gush over with each new title. I think the one I am most exciting about though is Surface Tension. That cover looks so damn appealing. Bring ‘em on Titan because the comic world is ready.

1. Chris Hemsworth Arms...Nuff Said!
