Press Release
A perfect future of intergalactic travel and community. Every newly discovered planet is unified culturally through a monolithic structure known as the Galactic Relay. Although the towering monument is meant to inspire conformity of ideas, technology, and progress – many resent the foreign structure. Jad Carter, a Relay employee, must keep the peace and act as an emissary to new civilizations. But when he finds the Relay’s mythological creator, Hank Donaldson, his idea of reality and the universe shatters.
Equal parts The Fifth Element and Philip K Dick, Relay is an exploration of monoculture, identity, and the deceptive nature of legend set in a thriving future where humanity forcibly assimilates new worlds.
Written by Zac Thompson (The Dregs) and art by Andy Clarke (REPLICA, Batman). Story by Zac Thompson and Donny Cates (BABYTEETH, God Country, Redneck)!
On why AfterShock was the right home for this book and his experience working with the creator-owned publisher:
"AfterShock is an incredibly welcoming family that is committed to publishing the best books in the comic market. Honestly, working with them on Relay has been nothing short of a writer's dream. I've brought them insane ideas that I thought would never fly and every single time they are met with optimism and a commitment to making it work within the narrative. My scripts have been long and overly detailed and every step of the way that intricate level of detail can be felt on the page and you can feel it looking at this book. It's a god-damn beautiful thing and that's because AfterShock cared about every single page, every step of the way. I couldn't think of a better home for Relay."
On what readers will find exciting about this book and why it should be added to their pull list:
"Relay is in many ways a tribute to the science fiction worlds that inspired me as I was growing up. The best thing I can compare it to is Paul Verhoeven's TOTAL RECALL. There's a brain to this book beneath the action and the world we've created that mirrors our own. It's something that evokes a lot of our modern fears about society, leadership, and control and puts them in a really colorful and detailed world. Anyone who saw BLADE RUNNER 2049 is going to be right at home with RELAY. People should definitely throw it on their pull because it's unlike any other science fiction book out there. I promise you we're dealing with some insane shit and by the end of every issue you'll have no idea where we're headed next."