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Review: 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #2

Four nerds met some evil adults. Such adults won’t leave them alone, it’s time to make them. If they can (sort of) take on their stupid bullies, they can go against a convicted criminal or four. 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #2 has the Paige, Berger, Stretch, and Walter orbiting back into the lives of horrible people they can’t seem to get rid of by conventional means.

Tyler is in full command of his craft with this book, he seems to be aware of every corner of his panels and use them to fully express what happens page to page. His style allows me to stop on every one of the panels rather than having one immediately transition into the next one, with conventional layouts of paneling for the most part, this comic would run the risk of becoming stoic from page to page. Instead, Boss shows the quality of his craft and finds the perfect moment that can be depicted on each panel to make each stop most enjoyable. A kid trying to mess with Paige and 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank 2her gang gets exactly what he’s been asking for and Boss’ clear joy to depict that is transmitted through the page only to be accentuated by Rosenberg’s clear understanding of the dialogs from each character.

Rosenberg’s command of characters has been put to the test for two issues now. Reading issue #1, I was scared of the two pages filled with talking heads, fearing that he might just go into a full Bendis territory with a lot of words and little to say. Instead, it proved to be a delightful read resulting in audible laughter in public places. Every line serves the purpose to further the story or accentuate a character and grow the attachment to them. He charmed his way into my heart the same way watching The Sandlot or Stand By Me did in their time.

Boss’ design chops are also showcased in this issue as well. The changes in layouts for some sequences that serve as a tell for a well studied person on the likes of Chris Ware and shifting for other into more cartoon-like influences for other. This is an artist who’s shown up to serve the story.

4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #2 has a very unique charm that’s uncommon in comics of recent, thus becoming another assured hit from Black Mask Studios as one of the best singles this week, and one of their best series overall.

Note: I personally know both Tyler Boss and Matthew Rosemberg.

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4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #2
Writer: Matthew Rosenberg
Artist: Tyler Boss
Publisher: Black Mask Studios
Price: $3.99
Format: Mini-Series; Print
