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Review: '68 Jungle Jim #4

Review by: Connor Russell The world is overexposed to zombies right now and honestly I can't wait for the phase to die out (bad pun I know), but seriously zombies have gone the way vampires did with Twilight. Zombies aren't even resurrected from the dead by a Necromancer anymore (although the virus is a good idea). Thing is they are now cute or have feelings or even family friendly and kids love them, but no, not in Jungle Jim. They are pretty much everything I want to see in zombies and a story with a zombie setting.

The woman at the orphanage was bitten and is slowly turning and “Jim” is trippin balls. Jim and the oldest kid of the orphanage track down the Vietcong who kidnapped the children and a bloodbath ensues and Brian (that's his real name) finally gets to track down his goal that had made him start on his violent and gory quest to begin with, laying to rest some demons from his past.

68junglejim04_coverbThis issue finishes off the third series of '68, finishing off Jungle Jim. Mark Kidwell was the writer of this series and to me he hit it strong and finished it off perfectly. This was a series I believed improved with each issue and this final chapter was definitely not an exception. The main character, Brian, was one I ended up growing towards, even though he was a psycho violent killing machine. He's one readers will attach to and want to see succeed, and the sprinkles of the other characters in the story, I didn't find them annoying, each having their place within the events.

Jeff Zornow was the artist for this series. There have been times that I pointed things out with his art that I didn't like, things like poses looking wrong and sometimes faces looking a little off, but he definitely did more than maked up for this with his depiction and detail to gore, splattering the blood and guts over the pages it all looked quite fantastic and worked well with the author and the story they were telling.

Fans of zombies, the ones that want to see the violence and gore (none of that Warm Bodies and World War Z crud) than this is definitely the story that you want to read. This will appeal to fans of horror and action. I can easily recommend this to people. This issue and the series overall was a good one.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Mark Kidwell

Artist: Jeff Zornow

Publisher: Image Comics

Price: $3.99

Release Date: 7/10/13

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