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Review: Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians #2

I really can’t fault Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians for anything other than not blowing my mind with some new concept of narrative which is really not the point of this series. It’s probably one of the most interesting silent stories I’ve read in comics and while the narrative isn’t a gripping page turner, I do intend to stick around for the end. This second issue introduces us to a new breed of dinosaurs that the aggressive Brontosaurs looking dinos from the first issue go to battle with. More accurately the new dinos attack their young and it’s definitely something ripped the wild kingdom type stuff. The interesting part is when the new dinos have one of their young learn how to attack and kill one of the captured young from the Brontosaurs. It’s just one of those “yup” kind of moments because that happens in nature and while it’s jacked up, it’s nature.

Age-of-Reptiles---Ancient-Egyptians-#2Back with our main character Scar… well he’s definitely a boy. He finds a lady and they’re going to have some kids. Their nest is invaded and he attempts to kill all of the invaders, but one gets away. I don’t know what this means for their nest, but it could be troublesome.

That’s the great thing about this story and the storytelling, I’m invested in the drama of the world. Maybe I’ve superimposed it upon these creatures myself, but I think that creator Ricardo Delgado is facilitating that drama intentionally.

The art continues to be impressive. I mean how can it not be? There’s no dialogue so the art is doing all of the work, telling all of the story. It’s remarkable and if anything people who want to create comics should read this and study it so that they can learn just how much can be conveyed through the art.

Really this is a series you need to read from start to finish. It would probably just come off as a nice art book otherwise. The downside for a reviewer is that you’re really not left with much to say about it since the quality is so high. On that note, it’s really freaking good and you should check it out.

Score: 4/5

Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians #2 Story/Art: Ricardo Delgado Color: Ryan Hill Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 7/1/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital