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Review: Archie vs. Predator #4

This series has been a hoot. It’s been everything you could possibly want from a mashup of two characters that honestly should never be mashed up. That said it was probably an issue too long. Frankly this issue is just okay. There’s resolution, there’s shocking moments and I was proven right about Betty being better than Veronica when by Veronica’s own admission she says that Betty is the prettier of the two. As for the story, well basically it’s the final showdown with our teen Predator who is totally hot for Betty and Veronica. Archie gets injected with steroids and turned into a Predator fighting machine. Veronica puts on a nice dress and fires an Uzi (which would be completely pointless against the Predator, but is visually a lot of fun). Betty snaps by the end of the issue and does something kind of gross when you really overthink it.

Archie-vs-Predator-#4Really I don’t know what I thought would happen for the ending. Frankly it didn’t need to do a lot, I just thought it dragged out a lot in this issue and there weren’t as many laugh out loud moments as the first three issues. The ending was a bit too wocka-wocka for my liking and soured the events leading up to it.

I will say that Veronica calling the Predator a “Twerp” was priceless and so was the framed picture of her with The Punisher. Other than that you don’t really need me drone on about the final issue of this series. I wish I could have covered the third issue because Jughead’s death was hilarious and stupid, but hey… here we are.

If you enjoyed the first three issues you’ll likely enjoy the final issue, but don’t be surprised if you’re a little underwhelmed. I know I was. And if you don’t get your fill of Archie versusing things, you can always pick up Archie vs. Sharknado which is also out this week.

Score: 3/5

Archie vs. Predator #4 (of 4) Writer: Alex de Campi Artist: Fernando Ruiz Publisher: Dark Horse Comics/Archie Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 7/22/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital