My first thoughts reading this book? People are dying! Main characters are dying! It’s interesting to read The Walking Dead which kills off its lead characters rarely and epically and then read Army of Darkness: Furious Road and watch so many slayed within the first few pages of the book.
Without giving too much away Ash and his new team are leading a suicide mission to defeat the deadites of this 2025 wasteland. Lives are lost in the process but Ash prevails in his usual witty way all leading to an epic showdown with his evil twin. It was harsh to see so many of the characters I’ve grown to love bite the dust. Some deaths were pathetic; some were funny but all of them were gruesome. I felt bad for each casualty but no one is safe is the world of the Evil Dead. I’m glad that the comic stays true to that rule. I guess Ash Williams is the Rick Grimes of Furious Road.
I think the artwork really shines here and achieving the horror comedy tone that makes the Evil Dead awesome. Heads are flying and bouncing off the ground. Blood splatters fill the pages as deadites are torn in half.
I think the zombie genre has been done to death in just about every medium but what makes the Army of Darkness franchise work is the humor in it. There’s no such thing as being too over the top in a book where nuns haul machine guns and werewolves ride motorcycles. This is cheesy horror at its best. If you’re new to The Evil Dead world, then this book is a great introduction. Every issue so far has been excellent and the newest one is no exception.
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