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Review: Arrow 3.16 - The Offer

Ra’s al Ghul wants Oliver Queen to take his place. Ollie, Diggle, and Merlyn are free to return to Starling while Ollie thinks over the generous offer, and then right on cue, there’s a new villain in town. Villain of the week has his mouth sewn shut and a pretty serious hatred for the SCPD. The bad guys eventually make their way to the police station for a shootout, and Team Arrow saves the day. Captain Lance confronts the Arrow about Sara’s death, and he still doesn’t know that Ollie is the Arrow. I can’t believe that.

Thea is working out who she is, and who she’s become because of Merlyn. I don’t blame her for hating Merlyn, but I do think it’s time she went to therapy. She’s certainly been through some stuff, but she needs an outlet to work it out.

Arrow 3.16 The Offer

There were some good character interactions in this episode. Diggle remains Oliver’s number one confidant, and I really appreciate that. Laurel tries to fix things with her father, but he says he can’t forgive her. This is why lying is bad, Laurel! Laurel and Nyssa bond a bit, and Nyssa offers to train her. Oliver’s been harping on about Laurel needing more training, but he hasn’t exactly offered. Hopefully Nyssa teaches her to kick Ollie’s ass.

Oliver decides he won’t accept Ra’s’ offer, but it doesn’t seem to be a choice.

Not many flashbacks in this episode, which was nice. Ollie continues to be the most dramatic person in all of Starling. We also get our first glimpse of the Lazarus Pit. Overall, decent episode, with quite a bit of family drama and a good amount of action.

Score: 3/5

Arrow 3.16 - The Offer

Watch Arrow on the CW, Wednesdays at 8/7c.