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Review: Broken Moon #4

I kind of wondered how this series would end given the breakneck pace of the first three issues. It has an ending for sure, but it leaves the story open to be explored more in the future. I’m not going to lie, that robs the story a little of being satisfying. In the end, it’s an entertaining ending, but it leaves you kinda hungry for more. broken-moon-4-1As we saw in the third issue, the Franken-men have agreed to help the humans and the werewolves prevent the destruction of the world. A curveball is thrown when the good doctor decides to operate on one of the werewolves and turn him into the undead. This pisses the werewolf leader off and they leave the battle. The humans and the undead continue with their raid and it doesn’t look good for them. I will tell you that not one, but two classic monsters show up to fight the fight. Surprises to be had.

Ultimately the writing is as solid as it was on the first three issues and this series still really reminds me of Steve Niles’ work on 30 Days of Night. I just wish the ending was a bit tighter or that there was another issue in the series. I still don’t really get the Vampire’s plan, but I suppose it could be answered in another series or maybe I’m just dense and don’t see how destroying the planet would help them.

The art is definitely the best part of the issue. Nat Jones does a tremendous job of modernizing the classic horror monsters. His take is very cool looking. Pair that with his detailed line work and Templesmith-esc coloring and this is a beautiful issue that closes out a beautiful series.

There’s not a lot left to say about Broken Moon. You’ll either like the ending or be disappointed in the abrupt conclusion. It’s not bad, but it feels rushed and that’s a damn shame because there really is a special and interesting work being created in this series. Even still, I would recommend that if you dig horror, check out the entire series.

Score: 3/5

Broken Moon #4 Writer: Steve Niles Artist: Nat Jones Publisher: American Gothic Press Price: $3.99 Release Date: 1/13/16 Format: Mini-Series; Print