Comic Bastards

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Review: Chew #49

Some books feel like a recipe with missing ingredients, others have all the ingredients they just can't cook worth a damn, but these guys add the umami to every page. Maybe I shouldn't be using any cooking metaphors for this issue, as the first couple of pages show Colby Asking Chow to re-cook Poyo (which he claimed from a landfill). Yuck, but I mean yuck in the 'oh my god that's really gross but also really funny'. Why is it funny? Because they want to feed it to Tony (that guy has the worst/best superpower). If you haven't read any of my previous reviews of Chew or you haven't stumbled on an issue yourself, then I will tell you again to go out and buy this immediately. In fact I'm envious if you haven't even begun as you can go and devour the entire collection up to this point.

Chew-#49-1Tony knows what he has to do to take down the collector, but in order to do it, someone has to die. This adds a level of tension that I haven't felt in Chew. Every page you get through you think it might be him, then again maybe it's him or HIM. As always there are new food-related cases, that are gloriously ridiculous.

This comic is filled with humor, if you don't get a few chuckles out of each issue then you are dead inside. There's so much to get a laugh out of, the situations, the powers, the background jokes, the alliteration or rhyming case names ETC.

As always the artwork is absolutely stellar. I have to mention the cover of this issue which adds to previous issues covers to create a dinner table with various characters. This is another one of those things that John and Rob do so well, layering in things for later. I hope there will be at least one more addition to the table (if not more)

Score: 5/5

Chew #49 Writer: John Layman Artist: Rob Guillory Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 5/27/15 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital