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Review: ClassicaLoid E.01

By Robert Ramos

What do you get when you mix Beethoven obsessed on perfecting gyoza, a ditzy Mozart, a mansion, a talking tablet, AND a mysterious bird that seems to like camera time? ClassicaLoid.

Where the hell do I even start on this mess. Kanae is in possession of her grandmother’s mansion that has been vacant but occupied by three squatters: Ludwig Van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Sousuke. Kanae has decided that it’s time to finally demolish the house and attempts to get the freeloaders out. Demolition day arrives and as soon as the wrecking ball strikes the house, something magical occurs: Beethoven transforms into, well, the Beethoven we all know and love. WHAT THE FUCK? Yeah, I’m just as perplexed as you should be. By the end of the episode, we’re introduced to the term “classicaloid” as well as someone who is either going to be an ally or an enemy. If you guessed that they’re, too, named after a famous composer, you would be correct.

I was blown away by the animation. It’s super colorful and pretty to look. The character designs are fantastic, too. Mozart is androgynous (what?!) and Beethoven is identical to Beethoven, minus the garb from the 1800s (pre-transformation). It’s spectacular. Character wise, however, I wasn’t too impressed. Sousuke is annoying, Kanae is whiny, Mozart is a doofus, and Beethoven…I liked. His transformation was that of a magical girl anime and laughed so freaking hard. Surely it wasn’t supposed to be funny, but I couldn’t contain myself.  Where I will give this anime some props is the score. Of course it would be music composed by the aforementioned composers, but with a modern flair.

I jumped onto this because of two factors: Sunrise and Beethoven being voiced by Tomokazu Sugita (Gintoki from Gintama). Put him in anything and I will check it out. It wasn’t until the last 5 minutes of the episode that my interests were vaguely peaked. Because of that, I will give this one more chance before I decide to pull the plug or not.

Score: 2/5

ClassicaLoid E.01