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Review: ClassicaLoid E.04

By Robert Ramos

You guys want in on a little secret? I lied about quitting this show if nothing exciting happened within the first five minutes of episode 3. I couldn’t stop watching and low and behold, nothing happened but Musik. Episode 4 came along and we’ve finally caught a glimpse of who the hell these Classicaloids might be and where they came from. Even if was for less than a minute, it gave me hope that we’ll soon have some sort of development and reason to keep watching.

As I previously mentioned, not a whole lot happened in episode 3, which is why I skipped reviewing it entirely. We’re introduced to two more house guests, Chopin and Liszt. Of the two, Chopin is my favorite as he’s a hikikomori, leading to lots of funny bits. As for Liszt, well, she’s just a busty broad. Nothing special. Musik happens and boom, end of episode.

This episode focuses on our newest classicaloid, Franz Schubert. He is on a mission to find Beethoven because of a memory of Beethoven running away from guards at what we can assume is some sort of facility that housed the classicaloids. Finding Beethoven is his obsession and will stop at no cost to find him, even if means hitching rides and having to work to make up for gyoza that he didn’t pay for.

What would an episode of ClassicaLoid be without Musik, am I right? We get that, except Schubert’s Musik has a different effect on people: it turns them into an infant state of mind, leaving people sobbing and goo-gooing like babies.

I really enjoyed this episode, more so than previous. The introduction of Schubert and his quest to find Beethoven was a new dynamic that was greatly appreciated. We finally got to see the crew get out of the house and do something productive. It was also the first episode to really dive into a character and give us some insight as to who the are/might be. I’m hoping we can get a little bit more of that from any of the other characters soon.

The best things the show has for it, as of now, are the humor and the animation. I chuckled the most on this episode. Schubert being completely fascinated by the chime from convenient store sliding door to the point where he keeps walking in and out was quite humorous.  The animation continues to be vibrant and colorful, all the while enjoyable to look at.

This episode is where I’m putting my foot down and finally admitting it: I’m in for the long haul.  I cannot stop watching it. The cliffhangers are too damn strong and keep reeling me back for more. I wish I could quit it, but I can’t. I won’t. Goddamn it.

*Please note that I bumped my scored up. If I could give it a 2.5, I would…but I can’t. Thanks, Dustin*

Score 3/5

ClassicaLoid E.04