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Review: Cyber Force #7

Cyber Force is just one of those series isn’t it? I don’t know what it is exactly, but I always have a good time reading it. Issue seven is no different. Image and Top Cow did a good thing by putting it back on the shelves. I really think that “fun” is the best word that I can use to describe it. It’s bloody, it’s action packed, it has a cool look to it and can anybody say Marc Silvestri? But I can’t just say positive stuff. I actually do have quite a few negative things to say. I feel that this series is missing something. So obviously that it affects this issue. I’m not exactly sure what it is, but if I had to guess it would be that it’s missing a good, solid direction overall. I almost feel like they could have re-released Cyber Force as a miniseries and just ended it with the fifth issue. I thought that the first five were really good. Yeah, we know it’s the future and that there is this organization creating humans who can live in a world after the initiation of the Aphrodite Protocol, but seriously, who would even want to live in a world that screwed up? I’ve kept up with the series so far, and I just don’t see the point. I don’t mean to seem like I’m getting off the topic of how “fun” this series is, but I just don’t see it lasting very long if something awesome doesn’t happen here pretty soon.

cyberforce07_coverThe writing that Silvestri does in this issue is okay. I haven’t really seen anything yet that has made me anxious to read the next one, but there is just enough there that I’m pretty sure that I’ll be sticking around at least until the end of this arc. Again, I’m not sure what it is. Maybe I just need to commit or get out, I sound pretty indecisive here, I know. Maybe I’m just intrigued by the character that showed up at the beginning of this arc. I’ll talk about that for a second.

Medusa. She is one pissed off lady. The backstory given in this month’s issue was pretty good. There is a lot of action, but no real explanation as to why she’s so pissed off. Maybe we find out what happened with all of that next month. We found out last month that she escaped from her cryogenic freezing tube in the Cyber Data Bio Lab, and that she had decided to have some fun with the guards entrusted with maintaining her detention. Turns out that she had some demands as well. And they weren’t really in a position to negotiate.

Marco Turini’s art is like I said earlier, “cool”. It has a very Silvestri-esque look to it, but that’s another thing about this series. If Marc Silvestri isn’t going to draw it, I think that I’d rather it have a completely original look to it instead. Of course, I would rather that they steer clear of changing the artist every three months like some other publishers.

Anyway, that’s just my opinion. So in closing, I just want to reiterate that I liked this issue. I like the series in general, but I do have some concerns as you can see. I suggest that you give issue six a read if you haven’t already, and then go pick this up. If you want to follow a series that is a lot of fun and full of pretty cool stuff, look no further. Just don’t expect anything too grand.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Marc Silvestri Artist: Marco Turini Publisher: Image and Top Cow Price: $2.99 Release Date: 11/6/13