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Review: Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #8

There isn’t much that I can say that will be new about this story arc for Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor. I mean we’re in the meat of it and so it’s continuing on the logical path that it established in the beginning and that’s a good thing. In fact if it wasn’t then I’d have more to say. What this issue does incredibly well is show the life of the soldiers that have been taken and its effects on the solider that’s been the center of our story. There’s one of two things that will happen to him next time, he’ll either make the ultimate sacrifice or become a companion… though I doubt the latter of the two will happen.

10D_08_Cover_AThe issue starts off with in the further past with a woman on the verge of being assaulted by two men in the wrong part of town and one of our displaced soldiers coming to the rescue. We see a simple and quick collection of images showing his entire life and it’s just heartbreaking and great at the same time. That’s the thing about the angels and why they’re terrible and yet great. They evoke a lot of fear which is something writer Robbie Morrison established in the first two issues, but now comes the heartbreaking stuff as we watch them adapt and age in their new timeline. It happens not once, but twice and by the second time I have to admit that I got a little choked up.

Morrison really captures the essence of the first Weeping Angels story. There are a lot of great parallels between the two stories, but Morrison refrains from being a carbon copy and rather understands the charm and applies it to his tale.

The art is consistent and continues to be an important part of the story. The Doctor looks a bit off here and there, but then trying to illustrate David Tennant has to be a challenge given the man’s range of expressions. Consistent is good in comics and if Daniel Indro was on the series again I’m sure we’d see him grown with the story.

I wish there was more to say, but at this point you’re either reading or you’re not. If you’re a sci-fi fan you could still come around on this series, but if you’re not and you’re not a Doctor Who fan then there’s very little here from you to grab on to. If you are a Doctor Who fan I’ll say one more time that this is way better than anything that IDW did with the license.

Score: 4/5

Doctor Who – The Tenth Doctor #8 Writer: Robbie Morrison Artist: Daniel Indro Publisher: Titan Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 3/4/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital