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Review: DollFace #3

By Dustin Cabeal

I’ll say this; I’m glad we know what happened to Ivan. That is to say; we learn what happened to Ivan’s body in this issue as our trio continue telling their story to Janey Belle aka Zombie Tramp. I’ll be honest; I don’t remember why they’re working together anymore. I know it’s about the book… but it escapes me as to why.

Aside from learning about Ivan, we also see a bit more of Lila’s past before she was sacrificed for demons. It’s actually a very cool moment and might make for a good side story one day should the series progress. Seeing Lila and her father channeling their ability to find witches and then tracking them down. It would be like Supernatural, but without the car.

There’s not much else to this issue. It’s heavy on backstory, and we finally see Lila crank up her powers. If anything the series could use more ass kicking at this point, but there’s time. It seems as if the fourth issue will wrap up the first arc and that works. Mendoza and Seaton’s story has had a collected feel to it but also paced quite well at the same time. The exposition in this issue gets a bit heavy-handed this time around, but as I said in my review of the second issue there’s good and bad exposition, and I don’t find Mendoza’s to be bad.

The artwork continues to be some of Mendoza’s best. Lila’s hair is always fun and amazing. It’s like cotton candy, but cute at the same time. Her look is just very iconic, and I have no doubt that cosplayers will be seen in the near future. I applaud them from the past. What’s different from Zombie Tramp is that Lila’s a bubbly, happy character and that’s reflected in the artwork. Janey get’s dark, evil and sexy because that’s her character sometimes, whereas Lila is cute, innocent, but still filled with rage. Mendoza captures that wonderfully in the artwork. By far my favorite panel is where Lila is comedically illustrated to holding a bloody mallet and looks very anime inspired, it's simple but great.

While I’m running out of things to say in reviews for DollFace, I’ll at least cover the next few to get a sense of the ending of the first arc and the start of the second arc. Then, much like I’ve done with Zombie Tramp, I’ll jump on and off the reviews. Otherwise, it’ll just end up being blah, blah, love the art, blah, blah, that joke worked, blah, blah more action or some such nonsense. In the meantime, if you’ve been reading the series, then don’t stop now. If you haven’t, well it’s my opinion that you should give anything not from the corporate side of comics a chance because that’s the only way the industry can grow and strive. DollFace is worth trying so give it a shot and pick up a copy.

Score: 4/5

DollFace #3
Creators/Story: Dan Mendoza & Bryan Seaton
Script/Artist: Dan Mendoza
Letterer: Adam Wollet
Colorists: Dan Mendoza & Valentina Pucci
Publisher: Action Lab/Danger Zone