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Review: Drumhellar #3

I have enjoyed the trippy ride that I have been taken down on with Drumhellar. The story follows the exploits and adventures of paranormal detective Drum Hellar who is little goofy, a little loopy, but definitely someone you could party with. On his adventures so far, Drum has been working with his sidekick of sorts Harold who resembles a psychedelic squirrel with a Kool Aid Man face and Padme, an ex whose relationship is just a little more bizarre than your basic boy/girl scenario. Drum has been following some bizarre visions and this issue finds him investigating locally mutilated cattle. He figures out what it is, but you wouldn’t believe it if I told you. Oh yeah, there are some side stories going on as well regarding an immortal DJ, and Mr. Drum is facing some very stiff trouble from the law and an ex…. All in all, just another wacky day in the life. I told you that it is trippy. I am beginning to think however, that Drum Hellar may be one of the smartest guy’s in the room, but he comes off seeming a little crazy, and on heavy doses of drugs. Still, each small line he utters is continuously contemplative and he always has others close to his heart. He is an empath with empathy. This is one of the many traits that make him likable. He reminds me of that old friend from college that did heavy drugs, rarely went to class, and hooked up with everyone, but he carried a 4.0 grade point average. He is just a cool guy and you don’t know how he does it all, but he does.

Drumhellar #3What I do know is that Drumhellar is a fun and enjoyable ride that reminds me of drinking beer (or doing drugs) around a campfire with friends. It is good times with a philosophical feel. It is like exploring life’s great mystery with your stoner buddy, and having a blast. It is great entertainment.

I continue to enjoy how the artwork of Riley Rossmo complements Alex Link’s script. Everything is a little “trippy”, with lots of bright happy colors. But it also has several shots of the “fluorescent light” look that reveals the many imperfections our characters have. It is a wonderful effect that hits it point solidly.

What I like about Alex Link’s scripting is that you never really know what Drum is going to say… ever. He is not a predictable character and in such a bizarre tale, that is a nice element that makes this issue and previous ones well worth the price of admission.

The end of this issue leaves more questions than answers, but the one thing you know for sure is that Drum will deal with it in his same mellow way that might make it action packed, horrific, funny, or deep. Probably all of these will occur if I was a gambling man. Whatever the outcome, I am certain that it will be enjoyable to read.

Score: 4/5

Writers: Riley Rossmo (Story), Alex Link (Script) Artist: Riley Rossmo Publisher: Image/Shadowline Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 1/8/14