Review: EGOs #4

EGOs has the right balance of sci-fi mixed with real people. It is hard to get these two right within the same series, but EGOs has done it for me. We enter the very distant future and by the recap at the beginning, I think we just got over some huge story arc. Actually the recap was quite funny. Lots of comics give us a paragraph about what happened last week, but EGOs gives it a simplicity telling us that they saved the world and now they are tired. Right away I loved the humor behind this script. Stuart Moore has some fun with the series, so I was excited to see where the journey was going. See this is my first read of EGOs and you’ll have to read on to see if it will be the last. So the first thing that caught my attention of this comic was the setting. I love futuristic settings. Who doesn’t? It has this very cool space feel to it, and Shara can jump between universes. With that the stories are limitless. That is exactly what Moore jumps into with issue #4. After building his team, Deuce takes some time to relax and train. Pixel seems to oversee the training though. While the rookies seem to love having fun during training. Shara is especially clever but loves to mess around. The group has lots of different characters including Pigmentia and Norman. By far though the best characters are the robots like Godel. They each have their own personality that you can’t help but adore. Being able to have all these types of characters allows for the story to be an all-out ride.

EGOs04-CoverShara decides to use her powers on a space time crystal just for the hell of it. Yeah I would totally do that too. Clearly this isn’t the greatest idea but who cares. So Shara, Pigmentia, and Godel all go through the portal that the experiment creates. You would think this would lead to another dimension. The best way I can put it is that they end up in the tunnels that lead to other dimensions. Sort of in the limbo area. Now they are trapped and being surrounded by these serpent creatures. Not so much fun anymore.

Pixel knows about it all, but the stress of her mother in her prison is stressing her out the most. See the comic folds in these very real human experiences with some kick-butt hero fun. Although this issue only opened the door to the story arc, I can’t wait to see where we go with it. With Moore’s storytelling and Gus Storms’ art, we know our reading will be filled with some hero action while still getting some punches in.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Stuart Moore Artist: Gus Storms Publisher: Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 4/30/14 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital