Comic Bastards

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Review: Fanboys vs. Zombie #17

I have loved this series so much, but I am confused on what direction the comic is taking. This issue was no fun at all. When I open up Fanboys vs. Zombies I expect to be taken to a new world. A world with zombies and nerd jokes all around. I don’t take this story seriously in any shape. I am always fully entertained and usually get some laughs out of the whole experience. This issue of the series takes a huge step backwards. I really have no idea where they are going with this storyline. Plus the whole title is about fanboys and zombies. I just got zombies; and it was disappointing. The fanboys is what adds the flare and fun to it. Honestly, they could have made the world end with anything, and the comic would still be fun with the fanboys making their jokes. Here we follow Drake Masterson, a celebrity, and not a very bright one. He seems stupid, so right away I feel so disconnected with him. He has turned into a ghost. He struggles with being alone and just wants a bud to hang with. Drake finds someone; a girl. Her name is Caroline and her main goal is to become an actress. Really an actress; boring. Drake falls for this girl instantly. Probably because he doesn’t have many choices left. Of course she can’t see or hear him unless they use an ouija board to communicate.

FVZ_17_preview_Page_1Typical storyline. It shows no interest in being original. Beautiful people have it so rough, especially when one of them is turned into a ghost.  The story is flat. Plus he just met this chick and thinks she is the love of his life. Come on bro. Get some brains and at least see if she is good in bed first right. The two are just annoying, which is sad because I had such high hopes for this work.

Anyway, Drake discovers that he has some power as a ghost and it is a lot easier way for him to communicate with Caroline. I am still confused why a ghost character is needed here. Ghosts are cool and all but I thought we were dealing with zombies…? Caroline shows him some affection in a meaningful way and then that is the end. No big reveal or surprises. The ending isn’t even cheesy or cute. It is just stupid. I get it; I just don’t like it. I miss the old Fanboys; the Wrecking Crew. I miss what they brought to the table with their quick jokes and changing attitudes. They were fun to read. Bring a crew like that back.

Score: 2/5

Writer: Shane Houghton

Artist: Bryan Turner

Publisher: Boom Studios

Price: $3.99

Release Date: 8/28/13