Comic Bastards

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Review: Funk Soul Samurai

Funk Soul Samurai is a pretty straight forward story about a dude just trying to get his drink on in an apocalyptic future. As he’s putting his feet to the pavement he sees a sign about milkshakes and decides to partake. The problem is all of the mutant zombies out front. He kills them fairly quickly, but they mutate together. This continues to happen until the new creature has absorbed all of his surroundings. There’s not a lot to the story outside of this. The big question is whether or not he procures the milkshake. Funk-Soul-SamuraiThe issue is completely silent which makes it a fast read through. There’s a ton of action… okay it’s all action really. The visuals do a fine job of telling the story and really you don’t need anyone in this situation talking and telling you how much they desire that milkshake.

The art itself is loose looking. The panels are hand drawn giving it a free flowing feel. Our Samurai has a distinct look and it works for the book. He looks cool in the context of the story and can throw down. The action is easy to follow and over the top. Overall, the art is very dynamic and unique.

I do wish there was more going on with this story, but I enjoyed it for what it is: An entertaining romp following a random badass wandering the wasteland. If you dig indie comics this is one of those gems that you hope to find and don’t mind spending a few bucks on because it has a great name, the story is fun and it’s a just fun to read. Check it out if you’re looking for something to put a smile on your face.

Score: 3/5

Funk Soul Samurai Creator: Nick Gonzo Publisher: Madius Comics Price: £3.00 Release Date: 11/14/15 Format: One-Shot; Print/Digital