Sex sells; it also destroys as much as it creates. It’s generally laid on pretty thick in Grindhouse B movies/stories and only takes a back seat, thematically, to violence. In Le Voyage Fantique de Veronique Nebulina, and it’s masturbating female astronaut cover, sex is front and center.
As far as story goes, well, what do you expect from Sexploitation or ______-sploitation? And just cause I keep bringing up sex doesn’t mean there isn’t some over the top, and as it turns out, gender mutilating violence. Add in a little out of the nowhere machismo to a story that had previously consisted of entirely woman, and BAM, there you have Grindhouse: Drive In, Bleed Out #8.
The art is a bit of a mixed bag in this issue. There are some panels that for ‘decency’ (my first assumption that I’ve decided to just roll with) are drawn intentionally obscure and the result isn’t great. There are one or two spots where it feels like, man, I’d rather they cover up that ladies’ butthole than make it look weird, ya know? It’s feels like a small step backward from the pretty impressive visuals in the first issue.
It’s silly and nothing spectacular, but isn’t that what a good Grindhouse story should be? Outside of the Deathproof of course, which was actually a great movie in disguise.
Score: 3/5
Grindhouse Drive In, Bleed Out #8 Writer: Alex de Campi Artist: John Lucas Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 8/26/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital