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Review: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #41

By Cat Wyatt

The last issue of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps left us off at a rough point; the mission to rescue Hal Jordan is underway, but as of the end of the issue hadn’t actually completed. When last we saw him, Hal was finally up and fighting again, a happy sight to be sure. I’ve been anxious for the past two weeks, and I’m sure I’m not the only one that has been looking forward to this rematch.

Hal versus Zod. No cheap shots, no sneak attacks or surprises, just an even fair fight. Now that’s what I’m talking about. I’ve been hoping to see this fight ever since Zod attacked them the first time, so believe me when I say this fight was pretty satisfying to watch. Hal has always been fantastic in his use of constructs, but I swear he’s gotten a bit more creative this time around. Perhaps he’s learned something from the connection with Kyle? That’d be interesting…

Still, the fight is pretty epic, even by Green Lantern standards. So I don’t blame Guy for being a bit jealous of it all (he got paired with the kid after all, and is now out of the fight protecting an unconscious Kyle). This is the sort of fight guys like Guy (no pun intended there) dream of.

If you had asked me before this whole Zod plot had started, who would win in a fight, Zod or Hal, I wouldn’t have known how to answer you. If you had asked me now, after seeing Hal and Zod interact, I’d tell you, Hal. While both Hal and Zod may seem pretty evenly matched (depending on ring power and sunlight available), the fact remains that Hal has better and more comprehensive training that Zod. And I’m not just talking about his training with the Green Lantern Corps. Hal had plenty of training before them too – he was a pilot after all.

And pilots know their battles happen in 360 degrees; that there is no safe spot to ignore or take your eyes off of. That gives Hal the edge when it comes to fighting in the air. Zod may fly and fight in the air by default, but that doesn’t mean he’s particularly skilled at it. In fact, with few exceptions, I’m sure he’s used to most of the resistance he meets being relatively minor. Which means he’s more often than not underestimating his enemies. Huge mistake.

So yeah, my vote for who would win the fight is without a doubt, Hal. Which is good, because that mostly happens. If it hadn’t been for the Guardians showing up at that precise moment and ruining everything, Hal and the small team of Green Lanterns probably would have successfully captured and arrested Zod and his whole family.

I’m conflicted about the action of the Guardians here. I understand what they’re trying to say – how they don’t want to be imposing their will and opinions on everyone. That they won’t interfere with Zod unless forced to, because he theoretically has a right to find a new home planet (ignoring the fact that this planet was inhabited before he arrived…). I really do get where they’re coming from.

However, there are a few key issues with this logic. Zod is acting like the Green Lantern Corps instigated this fight, when in truth he baited them there, beat them up, and stole their rings. I realize the Guardians have no proof of this, but do recall that there was a reason the Green Lanterns got sent to Jekuul to begin with. Then there’s the concern of leaving Zod unattended for too long with his plans. We all know that’s never a good thing. If they don’t want to claim responsibility for him, then they should at least inform somebody who would (like Superman).   

Obviously we’ve been shown what Zod is planning, and why he needed the rings, while the Guardians and the Green Lanterns don’t yet know that bit of information. So I understand why John chose to side with the Guardians this time (for once they’re trying to not be forceful with their will – this is actually pretty huge). Still, I’m very concerned about what is going to happen next.

This was a great issue. I’ve been looking forward to that rematch for a while. Granted, I’m not sure who would win the next round, given the chance to fight again. Hal used a few elements of surprise to get the upper hand, and I’m not sure they’d work as well a second time around. I do think he’d ultimately pull out on top, but I think the fight would be a lot harder for him. I’m curious to see what Zod’s next move will be, and likewise what the Guardians reaction will be to his move. I feel like I’m watching a game of chess (okay, it’s actually a lot more entertaining than that, but you know what I mean).

The fight scene between Hal and Zod was so well done in this issue. The artwork for it was fantastic, lots of dramatic poses and a boatload of constructs to cram into every panel. The artist did a fantastic job of making the fight interesting and epic. I couldn’t be happier with how it looked.

Score: 4/5

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #41
DC Comics