Ivar, Timewalker #1 was awesome, earning itself a rare 5/5 rating from me and leaving me with high expectations for this second installment – expectations which I’m happy to say have not been let down! Ivar, Timewalker continues to be a very fun, very wacky adventure series and one that I see myself reading for a long time. In this issue, writer Fred Van Lente addresses the age-old question that has popped up in countless time travel stories: If you could go back in time, would you kill Hitler? While it’s always a little tiring seeing the same trope pop up time and time again, Van Lente makes this dated cliché fresh and original with ease.
Of course, something that makes his job easier is how likeable his two lead characters are shaping up to be. Ivar and Neela are both so much fun to follow, and their witty remarks keep this issue moving at a fast pace. My personal highlight of the issue involved a giant prehistoric dragonfly which provokes one of the funniest and most human reactions out of Neela that I’ve seen in a comic-book in some time. But even while we watch these crazy antics unfold we continue to see an undercurrent of darkness and regret in Ivar, one that is somehow linked to the grim fate that we see future Neela living out in her brief appearance in this issue. This overarching plot is fascinating to me and I cannot wait to see it develop in coming issues.
Additionally the artwork in this issue by Clayton Henry continues to look great. Between this and their work on Archer and Armstrong it’s very clear that Van Lente and Henry are two creators that really work well together and that is something very well reflected here. The bright colours of Brian Reber are also a big factor in giving Ivar, Timewalker its energetic and exciting feel, and together he and Henry put together some really great-looking pages and panels.
Ivar, Timewalker #2 is another great issue in this new series which continues to show a heck of a lot of promise. With two very likeable leads, an intriguing overarching story and some nice art thrown in as well, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be reading this book. Give it a go, and I guarantee you won’t regret it.
Score: 4/5
Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Clayton Henry Colorist: Brian Reber Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: 02/18/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital