Comic Bastards

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Review: Jimmy’s Bastards #1

By Dustin Cabeal

This is an interesting comic to describe. There’s a hook to the first issue that is basically the selling point of the series. With that, it’s also all right there in the title, “Jimmy’s Bastards.” The title character’s name is Jimmy and using “Bastards” in the traditional sense means a child born out of wedlock. That’s all I’ll give you really about the hook, but it's humorous. It reminded me of another comic that tried something similar but failed miserably at it.

Jimmy’s Bastards isn’t a failure, by the way; it’s a hit. It’s Garth Ennis poking holes in James Bond, but at the same time keeping everything that’s great about the character. The balance is fucking brilliant. The opening scene shows Jimmy arriving on the scene of a blimp restaurant that’s been hijacked by one of his rogues. He wastes no bullets popping him in the head and getting the hell out of there. Where he promptly begins making sexual innuendos with his partner before cutting to the chase and saying they should shag.

It’s Ennis’ ability to both do exactly what James Bond does with the sexual innuendos and then cutting them off and getting to the point that makes Jimmy’s Bastards an entertaining read. Jimmy’s not a deep character just yet, but there does seem to be something more to the man than just a gun and sex… not much more, but more. He comes across very intelligent the way that Ennis writes him, and it’s just amazing how it rings through in the first issue. It’s not particularly for the faint of heart though as Ennis’ social commentary on the state of society rings loud and clear.

The art is gorgeous. It looks like Bond, but with a modern flair and unlike another company’s actual book, the characters are realistic looking. It’s similar to what was attempted in Secret Service, but without the cheese dick science. It’s a damn good looking book, with action sequences that are easy to follow and lovely to look at.

I do wish that I could go into more about this issue, but it would be unfair to you since it’s not out and I really don’t want to fully reveal the hook of the series. If you like James Bond stories, but hate all the excess bullshit, then you’d do well to pick up Jimmy’s Bastards.

Score: 5/5

Jimmy’s Bastards #1
Writer: Garth Ennis
Artist: Russ Braun
Colorist: John Kalisz
Letterer: Rob Steen