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Review: Just Another Sheep #4

Our story is coming to a close leaving us with some good and some bad. The good is that we’re seeing the overall story for the series. The bad is that the series has done a wonderful job with the reveals, but this issue ends up feeling bogged down by the amount of reveals. Simply put, there’s just too much revealed. The bright side is that the reveals are out of the way now and the resolution of the story can take place without distraction. As we learned in our last issue that Sadie and Will are actually apart of Les Cordes. After an argument between Sadie and Will we flashback and see all of Sadie’s life and just how wrapped up in Les Cordes she and her family have been. In fact, her parents played a pretty big role in history. We come out of the flashback to find Coulier, Banning’s murderous shadow, arriving on the scene to bring Banning to Les Cordes headquarters. There’s plenty more in the twists and turns department for you to read.

Just Another Sheep #4What’s been incredibly interesting about Just Another Sheep is the alternative history that writer Mat Heagerty has crafted. That and the mixture of conspiracies that he’s added to the identity of the Les Cordes. For instance, they want to stop the moon landing (revealed in a flashback) because of the risk it could pose to the earth. Tidal waves and death and such. It’s a strange thought that landing on the moon could cause that, but Les Cordes isn’t willing to take the chance. They truly guide the history of man.

As I said in the beginning, there’s a lot of reveals in this issue. It’s kind of the only place for them, but it doesn’t stop the heavy handedness of it. I like the reveals as they add depth to Sadie’s character for the first time and set the stage for a thrilling conclusion. The thing is, I have absolute faith in the story Heagerty is telling and so I’m just going to trust him and ride it out.

The art continues to be strong and yet adventurous. The flashbacks break the mold of the traditional panels and instantly tell you that this is the past. JD Faith shows his talent with action, with silent panels and just a slew of great artistic moments. My one and only gripe is that Banning’s hair should have been covering his face more when he was laying on the ground. Other than that the art continues to be impressive and well-balanced.

Just Another Sheep has been a strong mini-series. One of the strongest I’ve read in ages. If you’re looking for something new and interesting to read, then this is it. If you’ve been reading the series then like me, you have no idea how this story is going to end and that’s thrilling. That’s how it should be when reading a good story.

Score: 4/5

Just Another Sheep #4 Writer: Mat Geagerty Artist: JD Faith Colorist: Marissa Louise Letterer: Colin Bell Publisher: Action Lab Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 2/17/16 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital