Comic Bastards

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REVIEW: KEIJO!!!!!!!! E.02

By Robert Ramos

What would a sports anime be without vigorous training, am I right? I’m talking about training so hard that you’re going to puke or being so tired that you’re unable to function. Well, in this episode of Keijo, we get all that, minus the puking.

By training, I’m talking about making figure eights with your butt, pushing a tire with your chest and/or butt, and last but not least, walking with your butt. That’s right, you guys. The lewdness does not stop, nor do I want it to.

What good is training your body if you’re not going to be training your brain. Well, we get some of that, too. Nothing a little Asstronomy and Boobology can’t fix.  In Asstronomy, the science of butts, we learn that Westerners have high butts that are very firm because the tilt of their pelvis is different.  Can someone please verify this for me? Thank you in advance.

Take away the boobs, butts, and gags, and this episode is designated for character building and relationship building with fellow competitors. Yes, Keijo is a solo sport, but players communicate with one another about ways to handle that land or to even shoot the breeze about new tactics. Also, we’re given the scoop as to why Aoba is quiet and distances herself from the rest of Room 309. Again, character development and it is done pretty well here.  One last thing, and without spoiling anything, special moves. That’s all I’ll say about that.

This anime doesn’t show any signs of stopping with the over-the-top antics. In all honesty, why would it? It has its target demographic. Hell, it’s bringing in a new audience as well, myself included.  Despite all the “gratuitous” fanservice, there is a story being told, there are characters worth getting invested in, characters that even have growth and development (with the nature of this anime, that could be misconstrued). As I’ve stated in my review of the first episode, this anime is not one to be taken seriously.  Take it or leave it.

“Know not thy rump, never shalt thou triumph.”

Score: 3/5

Keijo!!!!!!!! E.02
Official Website