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Review: Kid Sherlock #4

By Justin McCarty

If you love Sherlock Holmes and his doctor/writer co-detective John Watson, here’s a book to get your kids introduced to these classic characters. It’s an all-ages book but it skews more very young reader than the older reader. We’ve made it four mysterious in and this one deals with the tripper. Sherlock and his dog Watson have to solve a new mystery and may just learn a little something along the way. 

Someone or something is tripping students at the Baker Elementary school. The bully Kyle is back from suspension and everyone has him pegged as the suspect. But Sherlock won’t rest until he gets to the truth. In the end, we learn two wrongs don't make a right and what it really means to stick up for your friends.

Justin Phillips and Sean Miller put together a really accessible book for young readers to Sherlock Holmes. Kid Sherlock doesn’t really look like the Sherlock in the books, but the all the elements are here. The story is simple and plot-driven with a nice moral at the end. Sherlock and Watson are memorable. The games and art how-tos are a fun touch to these books and give the book extra mileage. 

If you have kids, love comic books, and want a comic to get your children into them, Kid Sherlock is a good one to start on. Issue 4 gives us all the elements of Sherlock and is a great story to start on. No need to worry about multi-issue arcs, all the issues have a beginning, middle, and end.

Score: 5/5

Kid Sherlock #4
Action Lab Entertainment