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Review: King Conan - Hour of the Dragon #2

Review by: Connor Russell As I revealed in my review of the previous issue I had always wanted to delve into the world of Conan but never had before until I started reading this series. I know I'm only two issues in but I am enjoying what I come across. This world is pretty cool and this issue is an improvement over the last. Adding bits here and there which makes me want to read more.

The last issue ended with men that had it in for Conan being king, leading armies to his encampment. This issue starts with the start of the battle but the enemies cheated by having a wizard on their side who knocked Conan out and they rode away with him bound up. Xaltotun converses with Conan, revealing to us that the allegiance between these men that was formed against our heroic barbarian is not all as it seems. Oh and we get to see his first encounter with the lady that would become his first wife.

King Conan The Hour of the Dragon #2Timothy Truman continues to be in charge of writing duties for this issue. To me a first issue is very important but the second is just as, trying to show enough and offer more than the previous, showing readers that it is worth sticking it out with them to go on the journey of storytelling. I believe Truman has done just that, his pacing is well done, flicking between scenes and narrative from the present to reveal events of the past. Truman has again grabbed my interest and I believe I will continue to read this series.

Pencils are executed by Tomas Giorello and colors by Jose Villarrubia. Giorello has a strong “sketch” style. Things looking both rough and defined at the same time. His art is something that I continue to dig and along with the colors, I really just like the look of this book as it looks that good. The art has an almost “older” style to it but not as well. Please do yourself a favor and just flick through a copy of an issue to understand what I mean.

Again I am impressed with my exploration of the world of Conan the Barbarian and I do mean it when I say I want more exposure to this world. I can recommend this to new readers of Conan and I'm sure established fans would like to check this out as well, it's just so well done.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Timothy Truman

Artists: Tomas Giorello

Colorist: Jose Villarrubia

Publisher: Dark Horse Comics

Price: $3.50

Release: 6/26/13