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Review: Legenderry- A Steampunk Adventure #5

I know the last few issues have felt like filler but this month makes it all worthwhile. This is the issue we've all been waiting for in the series. I don't want to give away too many spoilers but this is the issue to read even if you knew what was coming. Like holy poop, finally we’re getting somewhere! Nothing felt rushed or dragged out in the great revealing. It was on point with the mix of flashbacks and progression of the plot. Seriously A + for the storytelling in this issue, I couldn’t be more pleased with the how it came out. It has re-sparked my interest in the series. And I am now anxiously awaiting the next issue.

Okay, okay, so let me just actually give you a little taste of what to expect this month. We learn a little about the origin of Flash Gordon and how he sleeps in the city for about ten years at a time. Coincidently when Magna reaches the city with Silver Star is when Flash reawakens. It is he who helps Magna figure out what is really going with all the attempted kidnappings and jogs her memory a bit.

Legenderry05-Cov-Benitez copy 2Last month we learned that the villains no longer needed Magna, so I was thinking that might be the last we hear of them but nope they just unleased a villain that looks like it crawled out of hell. So I guess we have two big revelations in this issue.

We don’t see much of our previous heroes in this issue and I was hoping Vampirella would make another appearance; I was growing fond of her bad ass ways. However, I am really excited to see what happens next. Maybe all the heroes will have to team to defeat this great foe or maybe that’s too predictable but I’ll always have a soft spot for friendships and all those feelings of camaraderie.

Anyways I hope that readers will enjoy this issue as much as I have. It really made a comeback! And with the whole steampunk vibe, I can’t really complain. Maybe it’s just a cool trend now to have steampunk renditions but I totally dig it! I think it adds to the intricate details of the costumes and kind of creates a new world for our characters.

Score: 5/5

Writer: Bill Willingham Artist: Sergio Fernandez Davila Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 7/16/14 Format: Mini-Series, Print/Digital