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Review: Mercy Thompson #6

Mercy Thompson #6 concludes an arc in a fairly anticlimactic manner. Everything is very neatly wrapped up, but with little drama or even action. So when we left off, Jesse had gone to Jill’s to keep her company, unaware that her sort of friend is actually a decades-old (centuries old?) fae that feeds off of naughty children. Jill’s currently got her heart set on Jesse, likely because Jesse had just told Jill they could no longer be friends. In #6, Jill tries to get Jesse to admit that she’s a bad kid. Jill presses, saying that Jesse hurt her and that makes her bad. Jesse insists that it’s worse to lie and that she hasn’t done anything wrong; she’s not going to make this one easy for Jill.

Mercy Thompson #6Meanwhile Mercy and Adam race to get to Jill’s before anything happens to Jesse. Adam transforms into a werewolf and rides shotgun while Mercy drives. You definitely feel the anxiety and the urgency in those moments.

In the end, Jill is destroyed by her own magic. She can only feed on naughty children, and though she’s determined to have Jesse, she physically cannot touch her.

We also get a great flashback of Jill as a creepy old lady and a couple of Girl Scouts. So morbid; I loved that moment.

I really loved the art in this one. Jill is immensely terrifying, and Garcia did a wonderful job creeping me out. As Jill tries to find a way to have Jesse, she becomes increasingly demented, the scene looks darker, and Jill’s fae self becomes more dramatic.

I felt the story ended rather abruptly and anticlimactically. #6 wrapped it up with minimal drama, which surprised me after all the ritualistic deaths and the creepy fae woman. But overall I enjoyed this story, and I’m at least satisfied with the ending.

Score: 4/5

Mercy Thompson #6 Writer: Patricia Briggs, Rik Hoskin Artist: Tom Garcia Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 3/25/15 Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital