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Review: Mr. Peabody & Sherman #1

I grew up watching Rocky and Bullwinkle so I’m no stranger to Mr. Peabody and Sherman. I know this is to tie-in to the new movie coming out but I really think people are grasping at straws.  The old cartoon segment taught you a little about history and had some fun with it too. Here I didn’t get quite the same feeling. We meet Mr. Peabody a super genius dog with three PhD’s and so many peace prizes and Olympic medals that he doesn’t have room for more. But ultimately he wanted more… a boy. Many opposed, sure a boy can have a dog but a dog to have a boy… unthinkable.  After a judge allows Mr. Peabody to raise Sherman he realizes Sherman needs more outdoor activities. Mr. Peabody creates the WABAC machine to make history Sherman’s playground. The WABAC machine is a time machine. But it had many designs before the final one.

PBodySherman_01-pr_Page_1Mr. Peabody reveals the WABAC machine to Sherman and the adventures begin heading first to the Caveman days. Here is history first recorded with cave painting.

Okay I went a little back to my childhood here sitting on the couch because I always liked this segment in the Bullwinkle show.  I was a little let down here not really the story but more of the art. The art just doesn’t carry that classic cartoon that it once was. And I found it distracting to me. It was that late nineties early 2000 cartoon style or cartoon network and Nickelodeon did. I just wasn’t a super fan because you had characters that had different color noses and in some way were grotesques. I just don’t know how to describe but once you see it I think you see what I mean. But the story was entertaining the least because there is some history lesson here like the original show was.

For a quick read but wouldn’t waste full cover price this can be a good pick up. The only thing making want to look at another issue is the curiosity of where their travel will take them in time next. But it was missing some of the moral or learning aspect it once was.

Score: 2/5

Writer: Sholly Fisch Artist: Jorge Monlongo Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 11/27/13