Comic Bastards

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Review: Regular Show – Skips #6

This is actually my first time reading the Skips series but I do like the show and the original comic so might as well it a shot. I love the idea of Skips getting in the spot light; he’s a character definitely worthy of a spin off series. He’s this mysterious Yeti that seems to know all the answers and he never loses his cool. Surprisingly, I didn’t need to read previous issues to understand the storyline; it was the perfect issue to jump right in.

Skips_06_coverAThe park crew is on vacation and it seems that they are stuck in some time continuum mess. As usual Rigby and Mordecai are the culprits and it’s up to Skips to fix it. An angry Lord of Destruction has been jacking things up and well pretty much being the world’s biggest butt; so they have to go down a geyser and stop this crazed dude. Skips end up blowing this guy up with a pencil robot hand bomb thingy, it’s pretty rad.

Usually, Regular Show has me cracking up but I just wasn’t as amused with the banter this time. It felt kind of forced and I just didn’t get that “whoa whoever made this was probably high” feeling. I really look forward to that in Regular Show. I mean, it was humorous and Benson’s anger was right on cue but I just wasn’t feeling it this time.

I will say that art was spot on, it didn’t differ too much from the actual TV show but the Lord of Destruction gave it a unique touch.

Score: 3/5

Writer/Artist: Mad Rupert Publisher: Boom/KaBoom Price: $3.99 Release Date: 4/9/2014 Format: Mini-Series – Print/Digital