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Review: Revival #21

I couldn’t wait for this book to come out since it’s the first time we get to see life outside of Wisconsin as a main setting.  There’s a ton going on, and reading through this issue almost made me want to take out a pen and paper to jot down notes to keep everything straight, which is a compliment.  I love books that actually give you the price of admission and more.  I think of Revival as a prime example of a “thinking man’s horror”, and this issue is no exception. Upon Dana entering the big city of New York, her first task is to aid the FBI in a murder case which has ties to the Check brothers.  The murder victim was an owner of a meat distributor.  They also think that he was involved in distributing reviver parts, and may even be a reviver himself.  Another noteworthy find is the fact that he’s Polish, which happens to be the majority of people in-you guessed it, Wasau.

Revival21_Cover copy 2Lester is back to pestering Wayne, and Em and Rhodey’s relationship is progressing.  Whether or not Rhodey is actually good for Em or not is questionable.  However, it seems that the more destruction she does to herself with Rhodey, the less she bleeds like she was randomly at earlier points in the story.  Also, Ibrahaim gets more info on John Doe, the very first reviver who was unfortunately revived during his cremation.  They have him in a facility in Marathon City where he is kept in a water chamber due to his state of perpetual burning.

There aren’t any other books like this out there and Revival continues to bring the thrills and chills in its own flavor of a great horror/noir story.  Like usual, there’s more layers to this issue than I’m letting on, but everyone should be following this book so I don’t want to give up too much.

Score: 4/5

Writer: Tim Seeley Artist: Mike Norton Publisher: Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 6/25/14 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital