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Review: Rise of the Magi #5

We get a good run-down of the story so far in the opening pages of issue five, and we need them.  The last time we checked in with Asa, Bloop, and April was back in September.  So the recap helps. Mr. Skinn continues his assault as he captures human hostages.  Robert has captured Asa and there may be some dissension in Robert’s ranks.  April hides out with Monkey the Dog and Bloop the Frog while an army of supernatural bad guys closes in on them.  In the magical city of Rune, Asa’s father and the rebellion gets a visit from the guards and make a hasty retreat.  Back on Earth, April stumbles upon Asa, and nothing will ever be the same.

Rise-of-the-Magi-#5-1-21-15Kudos to the art team that makes Mr. Crisp look so ominous; his illustration in human form bears great details akin to orcs.  That little touch made every panel inviting.  Pay particular attention to the page of Mr. Skinn filling out the side panels with the story continuing in windows on the left.  Overall, the artwork intertwines with the story very well.  The two work to make this a true piece of sequential art.

Delays aside, returning to this world of magic feels good.  The characters have grown well over the first few issues, and the balance of magic and action work well.  The world building has completed, and now readers get the sheer fun of the stories.  With action taking place in Rune and New York, the separate stories keep Asa’s plight interesting while never feeling thin in the plot.

This is a great book and deserves a read.  I can see this comic one day becoming a film, so be sure to get in on the ground level with this story.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Marc Silvestri Artists: Sumeyye Kesgin & Tina Valentino Publisher: Image/Top Cow Price: $3.50 Release Date: 1/21/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital