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Review: Robyn Hood #14

You really can’t get much better than putting Robyn, Marian, and Liesel Van Helsing on the cover of your most recent issue. Richard Ortiz and Ivan Nunes give us one badass cover with all three women showing us that woman can be badasses and Robyn could probably kill with a finger. Seriously, do you see those biceps? It’s insane. I have said badass about two times now, and that is exactly what this issue is. It is hardcore badassness. Yeah that’s right. Every panel or so, you get taken by the two stories and hope that they collide in this epic battle and you end up being totally right. Robyn is going after some lead that leads her into more trouble. Surprise. Surprise. But once again, Robyn has a plan. It may be terrible, but she has a plan to save Liesel and herself before getting bit on live TV by a vampire. That was a loaded sentence but 100% true.

Robyn-Hood-#14The second story is Marian. She is trying to connect with Avella in order to gain some of her magical powers back. I have to say this doesn’t sound good at all. And then doing it behind Robyn’s back makes me more nervous. I can’t decide what will happen from this but everything just working out for Marian and her magic seems way too easy.

The two stories switch about every two panels. So you have to be on your A game when understanding what is happening in both stories. I love how Pat Shand can create two strong stories within one comic. You know the two will link up, but the road on the way to that doesn’t disappoint on either end. It seems like he always has this power to separate Robyn from Marian and lay out two good stories and when you finally feel like you need them to be together to kick some ass, Shand delivers.

As for the art, Roberta Ingranata gave us more gore than she has before. When a big action scene is brewing it must be hard to have all this pressure on your work, but Ingranata takes on the role and gives the audience some eye candy with his intense kills. None of the characters get lost and everyone has one highlight but Liesel is definitely the star. She reminds me so much of Robyn with her attitude and unforgiving tone. This gets shown most with her actions. My only hope, and I think I am right, is that Liesel will be back when The Cabal finally take hold.

I was definitely not disappointed with this issue. Waiting to get to The Cabal has created some great issues. Each hero is coming into their own, while The Cabal feel like they are falling apart. I don’t think these guys will be an easy swing, but foreseeing that Robyn is going to need all the help she can get makes me excited for this epic showdown. But if I am being honest, the only disappointment is with Robyn and Marian. I really do want these ladies to explore their relationship further. I know Robyn isn’t even close to this and maybe I am dreaming, but I can’t help but think they are made for each other. So Shand gives us some hope in these next coming issues, because with The Cabal getting closer, with Marian going after Sam, and with Robyn not growing in the love department, I fear that these two will miss the opportunity.

Score: 4/5

Robyn Hood #14 Writer: Pat Shand Artist: Roberta Ingranata Colorist: Slamet Mujiono Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 9/9/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital