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Review: Robyn Hood #3

Robyn Hood is still up against The Priest. I love the way this comic starts out. Robyn is suspended in the air talking to the readers about her purpose. She is thinking of her time in Myst and now her time on Earth. She is always fighting something, and it seems to never let up. I understand her frustration, especially when most of the villains take innocent people captive. But just like good ol’ Robyn, the only way to get out of a funk is to hit something. Most people can relate to that. But what Robyn hates about her job, the readers love about it. I like getting introduced to a new villain every so often and then following their moves. Each making Robyn a stronger hero when she has to face the big villain. It reminds me of the traditional hero comics. Our hero grows and develops as a character through each villain she faces. I know The Priest is just the beginning for Robyn and Marian.

Robyn-Hood-#3-10.29.14Marian on the other hand is new to this whole world, so her fitting in has been fun to see unfold as well. She tells Robyn that she wants to be a part of the roller derby team to feel normal. Marian is totally becoming a punk, and it is funny to see this unfold, especially for fans of Marian when she was in Myst. I think readers will like seeing her be a part of a team and hopefully we can see more of the derby girls.

But as I said before, the comic starts with the big showdown of Robyn and The Priest. The battle takes up most of the issue, but it is worth the read. Marian is above ground, so to speak, with the other girls. She is trying to cast a spell to get the girls out of The Priest’s hands. It is a pretty good plan and with Robyn fighting him at the same time there is no doubt he will fall.

I like bouncing between the stories, but I wish we could see more partner work with Marian. I would love to see Marian train at being a fighter and the two take on a villain together. It seems that Robyn is always in the forefront and Marian is behind the scenes. The readers definitely want to see them fight together at least once.

With only three issues out, I think Robyn Hood has already established herself as a comic threat. She owns her series well. I am excited to see what happens to her first villain The Priest and what he will lead to. As I said before, I think Robyn will deal with the small fish first and this will only lead to bigger fish for her and Marian. By unfolding the first piece so soon, it has hooked me on the comic.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Pat Shand Artist: Claudia Balboni Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 10/29/14 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital