Review: Robyn Hood #8
Well let’s just get right to it. Avella is back! I think we all knew that when Robyn and Marian left Myst, they hadn’t really left Myst. Things would carry over with these two. I have always loved Myst and the stories that Pat Shand created there, but I have to flip-flop and recant that. New York is so much better. So having small parts of Myst enter into this modern world, allows for readers to still have that great setting with weird occurrences. I just love how Shand has there and definitely gives him freedom as a writer to throw in anything he wants whenever he wants because it is all magic. And we get a lot thrown at us this week. There are two stories going on now. Robyn is helping a client find her boyfriend who disappeared after joining a strange church. When she stumbles upon a ceremony that involves human sacrifices, Robyn puts herself right in the middle of things... like she always does. So she is pretty much neck-deep in action about to get throw into a pit of hell.
Well now it is Marian’s turn to deal with Myst issues. Marian is on a date with Sam and so far it is going well. Side note: Robyn mentions this date in the middle of battle and it really pisses me off. Maybe I am reading too much into their relationship, but I still think Robyn is holding onto something with Marian. End side note. Then Avella shows up. These two ladies need to hash things out.
So yeah, there is a whole lotta story going on. Shand gives us both equally though. I appreciate that not just because I like both these girls, but both of them have something to say. Especially Robyn in this issue. She is changing and it hasn’t been clearer until now. She delays shooting her arrow to make sure it is exactly perfect, I thought her world would end. But not with this new Robyn. She needs those moments. She thinks before she acts. But don’t worry she doesn’t do this before she speaks, so we still get the same old cynical Robyn we’ve come to love.
I don’t exactly know how to take Avella’s return. Actually I sort of wish she would join Robyn and Marian. I don’t know if that will happen. But I think the Cabal is bigger than Robyn is anticipating, so she may need some help from Myst or anywhere she can get it. Shand doesn’t do anything small, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this was an all-out war when the Cabal finally enter the picture. Either way I’ll be there reading. Robyn Hood has got me hooked. Reading this comic every month makes the week that much sweeter.
Score: 3/5
Robyn Hood #8 Writer: Pat Shand Artist: Roberta Ingranata Colorist: Slamet Mujiono Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Price: $3.99 Release Date: 3/18/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital