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Review: Rocko's Modern Life #6

By Hunter T. Patrick

Just a wallaby with his dog. The issue picks up where the last one leaves off with Rocko losing his trusted dog as his dog became a viral internet star and was taken away for a life of glory, away from his trusted owner. The issue goes back and forth between Rocko and his dog showing how miserable Rocko is, just wanting his dog back, to his dog just being a dog and not really having any comprehension for most of the issue of what is wrong. Rocko’s friends try to help him out, but sadly nothing will please Rocko more than having his simple life returned. The issue itself serves as a typical story for a beginning, middle, and an ending that leads directly into the next issue, which is stronger than the last issues twist. Similar to previous issues there is a backup story simply about cutting the grass, which of course gets over exaggerated in a huge fashion.

The writing does not feel as humorous as before. The focal point of the writing is moving on with the story. For some works that are a given, but no humor is provided, at least very little except some lines now and then. The pacing is good and consistent, and everything works but is not memorable at all. Readers will expect humor with little provided, instead of being more reliant on a longer narrative as opposed honing the cartoon with humor. The backup is at least better than the previous issues with some fun provided that mixes perfectly well with the pace of that story. Sadly, the primary does not provide that good of a mix.

If having read the previous issues, then the art will look more the same. If this is the first issue looking to be read, then expect the primary stories art to look pretty identical to the cartoon. If the series tried going somewhere else, then the art would just not work. It does work so reading should help fill the Rocko fix needed if still reeling from the shows end so many years ago. The backup story goes for a much more exaggerated art but a good blend of the artist interpretation and the original cartoon. 

This issue does not need any background reading before. Jumping into the story it quickly becomes apparent what came before. If a big Rocko fan or wanting to try to seem hip with friends like a true 90s kid, then go get this book. Make yourself happy and make BOOM! Studios happy (plus comic shops). As stated in some reviews for other books, this is not a book just to buy this issue, maybe instead read it somewhere else, legally, or buy the trade when it comes out. It is great this book is being made but not great enough for this book to be a hit. Go and buy the trade. It is great for Rocko readers, just not for the everyday comic readers to go out of their way for.

Score: 3/5

Rocko's Modern Life #6
BOOM! Studios