This cover is just mind blowing. I love when a picture can create power and for Savior this month, it has totally done that. You can feel the energy of this comic exploding off of the cover. And believe me, the energy outside is nothing compared to the energy inside with every character coming to life. And all of this credit goes to Clayton Crain. Savior makes other comics look like they are living in the dark. Crain brings these rugged characters and gives them real emotions. Seriously, it will give the readers chills to see how much detail is put into the simplest of movements. From massive plane crashes to eyes with hope to a cheeseburger and fries, Crain doesn’t miss a beat. You start to forget that you reading a comic and think you just watched the third episode to your favorite TV show. His art is worth the comic alone, but that isn’t where this story stops.
Brian Holguin and Todd McFarlane have created an amazing comic in just 3 issues, although they had me at issue 1. We start with Savior not knowing who he is or where he came from, hence why I call him Savior even though he hasn’t been given that name yet. He is the quiet type and speaks louder with actions than words. After a huge plane crash onto a freeway in Damascus, Savior shows up saving victims of the crash. No one knows if he is from the plane or from Damascus or what the deal is. But he does have this very innocent look to him, so only after small suspicions, Savior is living in Kansas and remains to be topic for the news in order to find his identity. Another clear problem with Savior, he can’t be read. You really have no idea what this dude is thinking. I don’t think he knows a lot about himself, but I do think he knows something. Maybe he just knows his purpose that is good enough, but why stay in Kansas if he wasn’t attached to something there?
The other main characters hasn’t been clear until issue 3. Cassie, the local news reporter, will definitely play a major role. She was in a car when the crash happened and she was also one of the first people to see Savior. They have a connection, maybe that is what is keeping here. Then there is Malcolm, and besides for being the local punk and questioning his faith, you really don’t what his deal is. He isn’t connected to Cassie or the Savior, so it makes a very interesting character. He will be important in the future of this plot. I will keep my eye on him.
The rising action is building with every page in Savior. I love seeing it all unfold and never feel anxious or think that I am not getting enough from this creative team. The story flows and that’s all I need. No doubt Savior will continue to get high praise for its art, intriguing theme, and impressive plot movement.
Score: 5/5
Savior #3 Writer: Brian Holguin & Todd McFarlane Artist: Clayton Crain Publisher: Image Comics Price: $2.99 Release Date: 6/10/15 Format: Ongoing, Print/Digital