Review: Shadowman – End Times #1

There can be inner demons in all of us. The key to being normal and not going insane is controlling those demons. But what if your demon can actually be one? The Shadowman loa can be that demon and Jack struggles with it every day. We start to see why the struggle is so intense and so important to Jack's character. Jack has complete control of the loa with the help of Alyssa and their new love. Alyssa is helping Jack face the loa with love and this is keeping the Abettors from ripping the Shadowman from him. The love has been enough so far but the loa has one more trick. This trick has the Shadowman hunting again and this time he is going after Makoot, the child stealer.

The loa has also opened up a glimpse to the past. This past connects Josiah, Jack's father, and his time as the Shadowman. This past includes how Jack and his mother had to leave for their protection and how Jack became an orphan.

SM_END_001_COVER_CAMUNCOLIAlyssa ends up searching again for the witchcraft that helped Jack earlier because the loa is becoming too powerful again. Alyssa learned the secret of what power the loa is using against Jack. But the Shadowman loa has its own secrets.

This issue is the start of something bigger and greater than Jack has ever faced himself and the truth of the past. It's a good idea but I really want to see some battles against real enemies.   We just spent the last few issues with Jack's past now we shift to the loa's past.  What is keeping me going is the interest in the actual Shadowman loa. The art is what shines in the issue.  All I can say about it is that it captures the mood of the book and the voodoo magic and spirituality.

It's a good issue that carries on the arc from before but also introduces new elements that keep you hanging on.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Peter Milligan Artists: Valentine De Landro with Livesay Publisher: Valiant Comics Price: $3.99 Release Date: 4/30/14