I think Skybourne exists because Frank Cho wanted to draw an issue-long action scene. Said fight is extremely graphic and brutal, typically involving this issue's lead shoving her hand through men's torsos. I'll leave the Freudian analysis to those who can be bothered to care. I will, however, note the glee with which Cho renders his violence. He doesn't bury the action; that much is evident within a few pages of Skybourne. So, if you're into almost comically flippant brutality, you'll get a grin out of this issue's pages.
As well-illustrated as this issue is, there just isn't much else to Skybourne #1 beyond its looks. The premise (so sparsely developed that I won't get into it here) is delivered in three panels on the first page, yet none of it is expanded upon throughout the book. The entirety of this issue feels like the first third of an issue. By the final page, you're left expecting at least one more scene if only to give any meaning to the violence you just witnessed.
Taken for what it is rather than by what it seems to be missing, Skybourne is good fun. Cho is obviously bringing his illustration talents to the table. The writing isn't especially bad. But I just don't care about anyone here. The issue presents you with someone who is, as far as can be gathered through context, just a very gifted murderer. And you're expected to have any attachment to her because she's the star.
For all its exquisitely vibrant and vicious violence, there isn't much to say about this issue. I can't really recommend the first issue on its own unless you're particularly fond of Cho's art... or of fisting.
[su_box title="Score: 3/5" style="glass" box_color="#8955ab" radius="6"]
Skybourne #1 Writer/Artist: Frank Cho Colorist: Marcio Menyz Publisher: BOOM! Studios Price: $3.99 Format: Mini-series; Print/Digital