Comic Bastards

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Review: Snow Angel (One-Shot)

There are very few comics these days that are actually meant specifically for children. Snow Angel is one of those comics, from start to finish, it’s really less of a comic than it is a children’s book. I was actually surprised to see something like this coming from Dark Horse, since this is a pretty unusual thing for them to publish along with their usually darker stories.

The comic is all about a little girl who is more or less a superhero with next to god-like power. When she makes snow angels, she actually becomes a superhero named Snow Angel, who fights all sorts of seemingly insignificant crime. Instead of thwarting villains who are trying to destroy the world, she spends her time punishing children who stole bikes, noisy dogs, sticky gum, and water balloons. Snow Angel is an incredibly good-willed little girl who only becomes her superhero alter ego in order to fight injustice and help good people. Her parents however know about her powers and refuse to let her use them, telling her that they are going to move to a place where there is no snow: Tucson, Arizona.

This is where the story gets a little crazy, if it wasn’t there already. Snow Angel moves the poles and shifts the axis of the earth, so that Arizona is now one of the places on the planet with the most snow. Santa is forced to move his operation to the Gulf of Mexico, and Antarctica is now a beach. This pretty much ends the main story of the book; the rest is just a conversation between a penguin and a snow-man, and a completely irrelevant lecture about William Henry Harrison. Not to mention there are random made up product advertisements, and a musical number… in a comic book.

To be honest, there really isn’t a whole lot to say about this book other than it is a children’s book, designed to be read out loud to younger children. I’m sure in that regard the book would do quite well, I’m sure a younger reader would get a kick out of it, and love Snow Angel and her adorable antics. However, unless you have a child, there really isn’t a reason to get this book. It’s definitely cute, but there really isn’t much to it. The most enjoyable part was probably the conversation between the penguin and the snowman, and it makes no sense in the context of the book why the conversation is even occurring.

The art is pretty much what you would expect from, you guessed it, a children’s book. It’s cute, colorful, and cartoony, and fits the personality of the book well. Kids would probably love it, but seeing as how I’ve avoided having any thus far in my life, I didn’t get any opinions from them.

If you have young kids, get the book, they’ll probably really enjoy it, but if you don’t, steer clear. That’s really all I have to say about this one, because I spent half the issue trying to figure out what the hell I was reading.

Score: 2/5

Writer/Artist:  David Chelsea

Publisher: Dark Horse Comics

Price: 3.50

Release: 4/3/13