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Review: Space Battle Lunchtime #2

Is moon butter like regular butter? This question is presented as a mildly chuckle-worthy joke at the beginning of Space Battle Lunchtime #2 but the sentiment spills into a larger problem for plucky protagonist Peony: she's in over her head in the Lunchtime arena. And she's out of her depth in general considering she's new to space travel. And, presumably, she’s new to space cooking. I have to wonder what motivates Peony. And I have to wonder if the book will ever make her thoughts and feelings more available to us. Why was she so eager to exit her old life? What did she leave behind? Where did she get her love for -- and skill at -- cooking? So far the series has introduced her and plopped her into a cooking competition she doesn't understand. Beyond that, not much has happened. Issue two dedicates a little more time to its supporting cast compared to the initial issue. There's the friendly camera guy; the stoic, aloof, magnetically attractive rival competitor; the over-eager scout, fighting to keep her job. We're not given a lot of in insight into these characters. They have identifiable personality traits or quirks, sure. Other than the most basic descriptors, however, I'm at a loss as to what makes them interesting.

Space-Time-Lunchtime-#2I really hope Peony escapes becoming a bland character surrounded by a far more interesting universe. She has moments when there seems to be something burning just beneath the surface of her placid demeanor. Notably, Peony clearly hates being underestimated. However, she typically occupies space while things happen around her. I know the technique has fallen out of favor in recent years, but I think Space Battle Lunchtime would benefit from a little inner monologue. Peony is so inaccessible to us it leaves her buried under her fun, creative, and constantly active surroundings.

But, seriously, moon butter? Do moons have teats or what?

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Space Battle Lunchtime #2
Writer/Artist: Natalie Riess
Publisher: Oni Press
Price: $3.99
Release Date: 6/15/16
Format: Mini-Series; Print/Digital
