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Review: Spread #7

Well this issue took me by surprise. It is a very hard issue to explain without major spoilers. I will try not to spoil anything because if you've enjoyed the last six issues you will get a kick out of Spread #7. Spread-#7The first thing to mention is that this is not a direct continuation, it is a side-story. The reason for this is explained at the end of the issue and it makes a lot of sense. So this story gives us some background of one of the characters (yes that's all I'll tell you). At first I was very confused as the artwork didn't look like previous spread issues and I had to go check the artist (this issue is a guest artist, not a replacement). After I checked I continued on with the story wondering what was happening and about halfway through I had an idea of what was happening, then the ending wrapped it up nicely (or grossly, this is Spread after all).

As I mentioned the artwork is a very different style and so with no prior notice of the artist change it can be quite jarring. The style is slightly rougher and has a sketch-like feel. One thing I liked was a deeper color palette, I'll be happy to return to the bright white-red next issue but it was nice to see some other tones in the world of Spread.

Seeing as this is a one-shot side-story there is a lot of information to drop as we are not familiar with any of the characters. Well, we do know one but you don't find out until the end of the issue. The way the character changes into the one we know felt a little quick, obviously there aren't enough pages in one issue to really get across the time and stress. Apart from that it flows very well and gives a satisfying ending and of course gross Spread monsters.

Score: 3/5

Spread #7 Writer: Justin Jordan Artist: Liam Cobb Colorist: Felipe Sobriero Publisher: Image Comics Price: $3.50 Release Date: 4/29/15 Format: Ongoing; Print/Digital